Sports History Timeline (Coming Soon!)
Brewer Memorabilia (Click on the link to view some of Brewer's most unique sports memorabilia! ~ Coming Soon!)
Brewer High School has celebrated 30 State Championships across Class "A" and Class "B" competition offered through the Maine Principals’ Association and has offered at one time or another 24 different interscholastic activities to students throughout the years. Currently, Brewer High School offers 23 interscholastic varsity activities to the student body.
State Championships
The first Brewer Witches State Championship was in 1953, when the Brewer High School Football team was named State Champion of Class "L" Football. The 1953 team (along with the state champion 1957 football team) were inducted into the Brewer Athletic Hall of Fame in 2018.
The most recent State Championship was in March of 2023 when the Boys Basketball team earned the school its first ever, highly coveted GOLD BALL in a thrilling victory over Southern Maine Champion Falmouth in the Class "A" State Championship game at the Augusta Civic Center. From 2018 to the culmination of that game in March of 2023, Brewer High School has celebrated 7 State Championship teams.
State Championship trophies are proudly displayed as part of the Athletic Hall of Fame in the main lobby at Brewer High School.
State Runner-Up and Regional Champions:
Brewer Witches teams have competed in 13 other State Championship games and earned "Runner-Up" in those contests after winning Regional Championship contests. In activities such as Track & Field, Indoor Track, Cheering, Golf, Cross Country and Swimming & Diving, the Brewer Witches have accumulated 11 State Runner-up team accolades, with the most recent State Runner-Up occurring in 2018 when the Girls’ Indoor Track team finished as the Class "B" State Runner-up.
Witches, and now Penobscot Pioneers girls ice hockey teams have finished as Regional Runner-Up on 31 occasions and have accumulated several league championships through its years as a member of both the Kennebec Valley Athletic Conference (KVAC) and the Penobscot Valley Conference (PVC).
Wall of Champions
In addition to the State trophies displayed in the Athletic Hall of Fame, plaques awarded by the Maine Principals’ Association recognizing State Runner-Up, Regional Champion and Regional Runner-Up are hung proudly on Brewer High School’s "Wall of Champions" which is located in the corridor that leads from the main lobby to the library of Brewer High School. League championship and runner-up plaques are also displayed proudly on the opposite side of the "Wall of Champions".
Brewer Sports Teams
The most successful program in Brewer athletics has been Indoor Track, with the Brewer girls’ teams amassing 9 state championships, 16 Eastern Maine Indoor Track League (EMITL) Championships, 4 EMITL Runner-Up titles and the boys’ teams earning 17 EMITL Championships and 6 EMITL Runner-Up titles in the 40+ year history of the EMITL. Brewer Football has won 5 State Championships, and ranks 2nd at Brewer in overall State Championships as a team. As of 2019, Softball has earned 3 State Championship titles.
In our school’s history, Brewer once provided three other activities that are no longer offered through the Maine Principals’ Association and/or through the school. Although these sports are no longer offered, Brewer had its share of success! Skiing: The Witches were Regional Champion in Boys’ Skiing in 1971. Skiing was offered as a club sport on and off from the 1940’s. It became an interscholastic team from 1969 to 1973. Gymnastics: Brewer Boys’ Gymnastics Team were State Champions in 1979. Boys’ and Girls’ gymnastics began as interscholastic teams in the 1970-1971 season after several years as a club sport. Boys’ gymnastics was offered at Brewer High School until 1981 and girls’ gymnastics until 1985. Wrestling: Brewer High School offered interscholastic wrestling from the late 1990's through 2015. Although Brewer wrestling did not earn any team titles, individual Brewer wrestlers reached a high level of success including two state individual wrestling titles by Victor Irwin (2020 Brewer Athletic Hall of Fame Inductee) in 2012 and 2013. The 100-win wrestlers board is displayed proudly in the Brewer High School Gym. An effort to resurrect the sport of wrestling locally will take form in the season of 2023-2024 with a collaborative team of most of the high schools in Penobscot County.
Linked below is a google document that lists each activities’ State Championships, State Runner-Up, Regional Championships, Regional Runner-Up and/or League Championships and League Runner-Up accolades.