2022-2023 BHS SAAC Executive Committee (aka Officers):
Co-Chairpersons- Brady Saunders (Soccer, Basketball) and Bella Tanis (Soccer, Swimming, Tennis)
1st Vice Chairperson- Grady Vanidestine (Soccer, Ice Hockey, Baseball)
2nd Vice Chairperson(s)- Charlie Brydges (Soccer, Basketball, Lacrosse) and Lauren Vanidestine (Soccer, Indoor Track, Track & Field)
Secretary of Records- Charlee Laffey (Soccer, Swimming, Tennis)
Assistant Secretary of Records- Cayen Philbrick (Soccer, Basketball, Tennis)
Crowd Captain Liasions- Josh Horr (Soccer, Indoor Track, Track & Field) and Ryan Edgecomb (Soccer, Lacrosse).
Athletic Director- Mr. Utterback
In the SAAC hierarchy, the 2nd Vice Chairperson assumes the role of Chairperson the following year and 3rd Vice Chairperson assumes the role of 1st Vice Chair the following year. The Assistant Secretary of Records assumes the role of Secretary of Records the following year.
Any student-athlete who chooses to attend meetings when scheduled, or be involved in SAAC sponsored events will be considered a "member".
How to earn status towards membership and other incentive levels for SAAC:
Beginning with the 2018-2019 School Year, the Student-Athlete Advisory Council will focus more on community involvement and volunteerism as a means to earn membership status.
ALL student-athletes will have the opportunity to earn status towards their membership status and other incentive levels. Points are earned through the following methods:
Attendance at meetings
Volunteering for the athletic department
Concession volunteerism- with the ability to each random scholarship money from the all-sports boosters.
Varsity game day duties
This could include (but not limited to)-
Soccer sideline runner
Subvarsity scoreboard operation
Subvarsity game day duties
This could include (but not limited to)-
Volleyball line judge
Soccer sideline runner
Working in the AD office during study hall or an open period in the student’s schedule
Participating in a team sponsored community outreach or community service activity
Pound the Pavement
Champion the Cure
Brewer Days
Volunteering at SAAC sponsored events
Includes, but not limited to:
Veterans Day Food Drive
Toys for Tots Collection
Coin Drive collection
Work at Seniors vs. Faculty event(s)
Volunteering during the Kiah Golf Classic
Volunteering with/for Youth & Middle School School level athletics
Volunteering for the Athletic Hall of Fame banquet
Volunteering for the Athletic Boosters
Being involved with the Unified program
3 points for each hour coached
3 points for each hour as a “partner”
2 points for each hour worked as a game day volunteer
adopted: 9/27/2012
ammended: March 2016
to be revised: Fall 2017
The Brewer High School Student Athlete Advisory Council (SAAC) will serve as a bridge between the Department of Athletics/Administration and the student/athletes at Brewer High.
The SAAC will also be involved in community efforts, athletics promotion and promote unity amongst students and the various athletics programs at Brewer High School.
Article II- Membership:
- Membership is outlined above in the Google Doc.
- The Athletic Director will seek a coach representative.
- The first meeting of each SAAC group will be in September, once school resumes.
- Officers will be selected by the chairperson and athletic director
- The organization of the Executive Committee (Officers) shall consist of:
Chairperson, 1st Vice-Chairperson (Senior), 2nd Vice-Chairpoerson (Underclass) Secretary of Records (tracking volunteerism) and Secretary/Treasurer and other individuals selected by the athletic administrator, faculty representative(s) and/or chair person.
Article III- Meetings:
Meetings will attempt to be held on a bi-weekly basis, with an agenda set by the Exectuvie Committee and Athletic Director. Meetings will be held in the morning, 7:15, before school hours in the Brewer High School lecture hall.
All members must be present at meetings, unless a legitimate excuse is provided. Excused absences include, but are not limited to:
- Illness
- Prior appointments
- Unforeseen circumstance
- Family event
- School sponsored/academic trip
The Chairperson and Athletic Director will determine the validity of each absence on a case-by-case basis.
On a fourth absence, a member would be removed from the SAAC.
Article IV- Amendments:
Any amendment to the by-laws must be approved by a two-thirds majority vote. Amendment proposals are voted on only if two-thirds of the committee are present, and each sports program has at least one of their representatives present. Amendment proposals should be submitted to the officers prior to the meeting and will be placed on the agenda.
Article V- Non-Discriminatory Statement:
This board will not discriminate based upon race, sex, age, ethnicity, religion, personal preference or sport.
A minimum of one coach representative will be assigned to the SAAC. The Representative will assist in the flow and direction of the SAAC. This provides all stakeholders with a sense of belonging and importance to the mission of the SAAC. The athletic director will appoint Coach Representative(s).
Article VII- Grounds for Dismissal:
Any member of the SAAC will be dismissed if it is deemed by the Director of Athletics, Coach Representative, and any other member of the school administration that the member in question is conducting himself/herself in an inappropriate manner. Some grounds for dismissal may include, but are not limited to:
- Breaking of any codes within the Brewer school department athletic eligibility policy.
- Breaking of any codes within the Brewer high school student code of conduct.
- At the request of the programs Head Coach.
- At the request of the administration of Brewer High School.
Officers will be relieved of their duties in the event of an athletic code violation, or other behaviors that warrant removal.
Article VIII- Duties of the Officers:
- Chairperson: Set the agenda, represent the group at state level meetings and regional advocacy meetings. Be the spokesperson for the group.
- Vice-Chairpersons: Fill in for the Chair-person in any absence, help direct meetings, represent the group at the state level meetings. Be a spokesperson for the group. Oversees any sub-committees formed.
- Secretary of Records: Document attendance, keep records of volunteerism and report membership levels to the Executive Committee.
- Secretary/Treasurer: Meeting minutes and submit minutes to the chair and AD. Provide an agenda to all members 24 hours prior to the meeting. Document and oversee all funds associated with the SAAC. Create a treasurers report on a monthly basis.
Article IX- Role of the Athletic Director:
The Athletic Director will have the final say in all matters regarding the SAAC. The Athletic Director will be in contact with the Coach representative and Chairperson of the SAAC. The Coach representative and and/or Chairperson should be the only individuals who would bring issues of immediate urgency to the Athletic Director.
Article X- Definitions of the Role of the SAAC and what it will not do:
The purpose of the SAAC is not intended to be a creator of policy however, may have input on creation or amendment of current policies or new policies, have input on budget and other administrative decisions related to student/athletes at Brewer High School. The SAAC will not make recommendations to coaches for removal, dismissal or selection of student/athletes to respective programs.