"B" Boys Basketball schedule

Overall Pct. Conf. Pct. Streak Home Away Neutral
0-0 .000 0-0 .000 - 0-0 0-0 0-0
Date Opponent Notes Result Status Links
Mon. 18 at NO PRACTICE TODAY (Thanksgiving Break) # Cancelled
Tue. 19 at NO PRACTICE TODAY (Thanksgiving Break) # Cancelled
Wed. 20 at NO PRACTICE TODAY (Thanksgiving Break) # Cancelled
Thu. 21 at NO PRACTICE TODAY (Thanksgiving Break) # Cancelled
Fri. 22 at NO PRACTICE TODAY (Thanksgiving Break) # Cancelled
Thu. 5 Ellsworth Falcons First Game of the Season at Brewer Community School Gym 4:45
Mon. 9 at Doughty Bulldogs at JF Doughty School in Bangor 4:45, bus 2:30
Thu. 12 Cohen Eagles at Brewer Community School Gym 3:00
Fri. 13 at NO PRACTICE TODAY (E-Day) # Cancelled
Mon. 16 Nokomis Warriors at Brewer Community School Gym 4:45
Wed. 18 at Reeds Brook Rebels at Reeds Brook Middle School in Hampden 4:45, bus 2:30
Fri. 20 Leonard Coyotes at Brewer Community School Gym 4:45
Mon. 23 at NO PRACTICE TODAY (Holiday Break) # Cancelled
Tue. 24 at NO PRACTICE TODAY (Holiday Break) # Cancelled
Wed. 25 at NO PRACTICE TODAY (Holiday Break) # Cancelled
Thu. 26 at NO PRACTICE TODAY (Holiday Break) # Cancelled
Fri. 27 at NO PRACTICE TODAY (Holiday Break) # Cancelled
Mon. 30 at NO PRACTICE TODAY (Holiday Break) # Cancelled
Tue. 31 at NO PRACTICE TODAY (Holiday Break) # Cancelled
Wed. 1 at NO PRACTICE TODAY (Holiday Break) # Cancelled
Mon. 6 Doughty Bulldogs at Brewer Community School Gym 4:45
Fri. 10 at Cohen Eagles at WS Cohen School in Bangor 3:30, bus 2:30
Tue. 14 at Nokomis Warriors at Nokomis Middle School in Newport 3:30, bus 2:30
Thu. 16 Reeds Brook Rebels at Brewer Community School Gym 3:30
Mon. 20 at NO PRACTICE TODAY (MLK Day Holiday) # Cancelled
Wed. 22 at Hermon Hawks at Hermon Middle School 3:30, bus 2:30
Thu. 30 at Leonard Coyotes at Old Town Elementary School Gym 3:30, bus 2:30
Fri. 31 at NO PRACTICE TODAY (E-Day) # Cancelled
Mon. 3 Hermon Hawks at Brewer Community School Gym 3:30
Wed. 5 at Ellsworth Falcons Final Game of the Season at Ellsworth Elementary/Middle School 3:30, bus 2:30
Fri. 7 at Team Awards # in Mr Dominicks Classroom at BCS After School - 4:00
# Exhibition
Bold: Home event